The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing

And it shall come to pass in that day, That his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, And his yoke from off thy neck, And the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing (Isaiah 10:27 KJV)

The KJV version translation does not bring out the correct meaning of the last part of this verse. It says the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. The meaning it conveys, which we have typically used when this verse is quoted, is that God’s anointing or power will break the yoke from our necks. Well, this is not what this verse is saying.

The Israelites were under the terror of the king of Assyria, and he had a burden on their shoulders and a yoke around their necks. He had them in captivity and oppression. The Lord was speaking prophetically to comfort His people and give them hope in the face of Assyrian pressure. He said the yoke of the king of Assyria would be destroyed because of fatness. The metaphor is an unusual one and probably the reason why the KJV translators choose the word “anointing”.

The idea here is that of an ox with a yoke around its neck. The ox flourishes and grows so fat that the yoke around its neck gets broken! God said you will be so blessed that any yoke or bondage of the enemy will no longer fit on you! You become bigger than the yoke so it just falls off!


Think of the meaning of the metaphor above for a second. Imagine being so full of God’s fire that Satan just runs away. Or being so blessed financially that those needs you thought you had vanished because you have more than enough. These are examples of the fatness of neck that breaks the yoke!


There is a blessing in spiritual maturity. Some problems will simply fall off as you grow in the faith. Let yokes fall from your neck as it becomes fat with divine blessings and favor!


Thank the Lord for the fatness in the Spirit that breaks yokes from your neck. 

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  1. I so agree with this interpretation. I remember the Lord continually leading me to this particular verse over and over again as I waited for Him to rescue me out of a seemingly impossible situation back in 2008. Even in my sleep this verse would pop up in my head, so I studied it out. As I meditated on all of the meanings of the words in that verse, in my minds’ eye I would see an ox plowing a field under the servitude of its master, but the ox was small and young-looking and the yoke on its neck was big and heavy.

    As it walked along the field and plowed, it ate and ate as it moved along. And as it moved along it began to grow and grow. Soon, it was not a small ox anymore, it was now big and powerful. It grew and grew until the yoke could no longer hold its powerful thick neck and then suddenly–abruptly, the yoke broke off and the ox was able to run free.

    As I prayed about this imagery, The Lord gave me the understanding that it all of that was a prophetic picture of the “New Creation” who, as it was written in Galatians 4, that although we are heirs, if we do not grow to maturity, we think and act no differently than those who are bound to this world (paraphrased).

    Unless we grow to maturity in Christ, in our ignorance, we will be subject to the principalities of that are all around us. It is only the mature–those who, like that ox, feed and feed as they plow along that will become “fat”, “rich” in wisdom, rich in “authority” to put all things contrary to Truth under their feet and roam free in every aspect of their lives.

    Thank you for this article. It confirms the beautiful lesson that the Lord taught me so many years ago. I was a “young ox” then… I am a powerful and strong ox now …roaming free in most areas of my life.

    1. Hallelujah!!! Thank you for sharing that wonderful and encouraging experience. The Lord indeed cause His people to grow into the powerful and strong ox He wants us to be!

      1. Hi, the Lord just put this scripture in my heart just now as I was praying and I went searching for it. I believe I shall also have my testimony in Jesus name

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