Three Dimensions of the Believer’s Anointing 

Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God (2 Corinthians 1:21 KJV)

The anointing is the Holy Spirit in(or upon) a person for consecration, service, or both. Although we often associate the anointing with ministry or service, the scriptures reveal at least three distinct dimensions of the anointing tied to specific purposes: adoption, Christian living, and divine service.

The unique characteristic of the believers in Christ, especially as opposed to God’s people in the Old Testament, is the Holy Spirit. When God lavished the Holy Spirit on us, He anointed us for Himself, as Paul stated in 2 Corinthians 1:21.This anointing is the bedrock of our relationship with God; God relates to us by and in the Spirit. He accepts no one and no service outside of His Spirit—a truth you should take seriously.

The first dimension of the anointing is the anointing for adoption. This foundational anointing makes us children of God. It is an anointing for consecration, dedication, and adoption into God’s family. By default, therefore, every believer is anointed. Regarding this anointing, John said:

But the anointing that you received from him abides in you…” (1 John 2:27 ESV).

This anointing for adoption is God’s mark of ownership, His seal upon us:

Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him” (Romans 8:9 ESV).

Upon this first anointing for adoption is the anointing for Christian living. God adds the anointing, grace upon grace, one blessing upon another( John 1:16). This anointing for Christian living is the Holy Spirit enabling us to live for God daily. If you follow our ministry, you probably heard me say it a hundred times, and I will continue to say it—the Christian life is powered by the Spirit. It is not by human ability, the flesh, but by the Spirit of God. In the New Testament, as opposed to the Old, God has called every one of God’s people to be His kings and priests. We live for God in our royal priesthood duties. Therefore just as the priests and kings in the Old Testament were anointing for service, the believer in Christ is anointing to live for God. That implies God has supernaturally enabled you by the Spirit to love people, believe His Word, always rejoice, worship Him, overcome fear, etc.

Upon these two anointings—adoption and Christian living—God adds yet another dimension to the anointing. He pours out His Spirit upon us for ministry service. God’s work can only be done through God’s Spirit. This anointing for service operates as the supernatural power and wisdom of the Spirit, enabling us to preach or teach the Word of God, cast out demons, heal the sick, and expand God’s kingdom. It allows us to save the lost and strengthen, encourage and comfort God’s people.

Furthermore, this third dimension of the anointing enables every member of God’s body to perform their duties so that the Body of Christ can grow and function on earth as God intended. Besides, there is not one of you, God’s children reading this devotional now, who has not been given a ministry task from the Lord. Whether our ministry task is to shake the world like the Apostle Paul or encourage discouraged believers, God’s Spirit has enabled you to do something in His Body.

In conclusion, God has anointed us in Christ to make us His children, enable us to live as royal priests, and empower us to service Him.

What is the anointing? What are the three dimensions of the anointing described above?

This is the key takeaway from this devotional: God has anointed you. Understand this truth. Believe it. Live by it.

Thank the Father for anointing us in Christ. 

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What is the Anointing? 
The Holy Spirit, Power and the Anointing
Two Operational Arms of the Anointing
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