Freedom in His Presence

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Cor. 3:17 KJV).

Freedom in His presence image showing broken chains

The Spirit of the Lord is God’s Presence. God and bondage do not dwell together. Wherever God is present, freedom from all forms of oppression must be experienced. We find complete and total liberty in God’s presence.

In the scripture above, Paul the Apostle was addressing freedom from the bondage of the law. However, this freedom extends to every aspect of our lives. Sin and Satan are masters of the enslavement and suffering of humanity.

Every single aspect of human suffering and grief in life can be traced back to sin, and to the lord of death who is the devil (Heb. 2:14.) The Spirit of the Lord in the believer brings total and complete freedom from every bondage resulting from sin and satanic oppression.

Bondage causes us to be brought under the control of something that causes pain and anguish, but does not allow us the freedom to opt out. We may want to opt out, but it overpowers us and we are utterly helpless under its oppressive hands.

Every one of us will immediately want to opt out of terminal cancer. But do we have the power in ourselves to do so? Have you ever met someone who is literally enslaved and harassed by addiction to a substance? That person is in agony and wants to opt out, yet they find themselves completely helpless.

This is because freedom requires  power to set you free from your oppressor. The Holy Spirit has come with the power to set you free from all forms of oppression in your life.


Why is there freedom wherever the Spirit of God is? See Acts 1:8.


From the discussion about bondage above, do you see yourself in bondage in any aspect of your life? The Spirit is your ticket to complete freedom. Put your faith to work!


Thank the Lord for the liberty we have in Christ. Ask the Spirit to help you find complete and total freedom in any area that has held you in bondage.

Recommended Read: Do not sell your freedom!

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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