For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first (1 Thessalonians 4:16 KJV)

Jesus is coming back for His Church, and the universe will experience an event that will be like nothing that has ever taken place or will ever take place in all eternity. As He descends from heaven, there will be a shout and the voice of an archangel. We will listen to that voice, and, in all likelihood, the unsaved will also hear it. Nevertheless, this verse does not tell us, but this sound will not be heard only in heaven. The rapture is more of an earthly event than a heavenly one.

In addition, with the voice of the archangel, there will be the sound of a trumpet calling us to come up hither. Then the power of God shall shake the earth, and His people that are dead shall be raised from the dead. If you thought Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones was dramatic, look forward to that glorious day! Believers who are then alive will see those who are dead resurrected first. Imagine watching Paul, Daniel, or David rise from the dust of the earth!

As the believers continue to observe the dead rise from the earth, the power of the Holy Spirit will flow through their bodies and transform them from the frail physical bodies to the spiritual, glorious bodies that Christ now has. Come, Lord Jesus, come!

Read more: Even so, come, Lord Jesus

Who shall go up first to meet Jesus: the dead believers or the living?

Always remember and think about the second coming of Christ and the rapture. It encourages and comforts us. It will cause us to consider our ways, turn away from sin, or examine our standing with God.

Eagerly await this day and let it have a new strength, hope, and joy in your heart.

Ask the Father to stand firm and help you win those around you who are marching towards eternal destruction and do not know it.

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