The flesh is weak so guide it always
“Keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matt. 26:41 NAS)
When you got born again, your spirit got recreated by the Spirit of God. Your soul and body were exactly the same from the “old fallen man”. God instructs us to renew our soul and quicken our mortal bodies by the power of His Word and Spirit. As long as we are still in this old body, we must understand that the flesh is weak, even when it comes to watching and praying.
The body needs to be put under control by the Spirit every single time. God is forever with you, but you need to constantly stay in His presence in prayer on this side of eternity. The body hates prayer. The last thing you will feel like doing in trouble or some challenging time is to pray, whereas that is the first thing you should do. Similarly, the last thing you will feel like doing when all is going so well is to pray. You can be doing something and fully awake but once it is time to pray, your body starts feeling sleepy. The flesh is weak, and it hates spiritual things. You must not allow it to control you. Jesus said above “watch and pray”. Do not wait to “feel like praying” because that feeling might never come.
MEDITATE-the flesh is weak
Take a moment to meditate on the scripture above. How do you “feel” when it is time to pray? Do you always allow the usual feeling of “not really feeling like praying” keep you from praying?
Pray that the Spirit will strengthen you in your spirit man with might so that you will be able to overcome the weakness of the flesh.
The most important thing in a believer’s day is time spent with God. It is a priority, that requires us not to do it when “we have time” but to stop other things to do it. A habit of praying constantly and seeking God in the Word will change your life. You do not need to spend the entire 24 hours a day praying, but that time slot you spend with God should be a priority. It will not only keep you spiritually full every day, but it will spill over to your job, family, finances, health, etc. God will fill you with wisdom to know what to do,d quicken your body against disease, protect you from violence, keep demonic influences away, etc. Seek ye first the kingdom in all things.
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