Even so, come, Lord Jesus

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus (Revelation 22:20, KJV)

Even so lord Jesus come showing Jesus in the clouds

After Jesus shared apocalyptic visions with John, He concluded, “surely, I come quickly.” John’s response reflects the longing of God’s people today: “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

Two situations prompted John’s response—his current persecution from Rome, the fourth kingdom in Daniel’s visions (Daniel 7:23-24), and the prophetic visions he had just witnessed. So, when Jesus said He was coming quickly, John agreed and prayed for His return.

In many ways, we are similar to John. The current state of events in the world and the things we see coming make our hearts cry, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

However, Jesus’ return can evoke mixed feelings for Christians. Some eagerly anticipate meeting Him, while others hesitate. Preparedness is key. If we live in holiness, walk with the Lord, and engage in His work, our hearts look forward to His return. But living in sin, disobedience, or neglecting His call makes us uncomfortable with the thought of Jesus’s return. Who wants to meet Jesus unprepared?

Be prepared to meet the Lord always. When He returns, our plans, money, priorities, and earthly interests will suddenly become worthless—only the things we do that have eternal value will matter. Keep heaven in mind as you live, but don’t abandon earthly life. Whether Jesus returns in our time isn’t the priority; being prepared is. Like John, let’s say, “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

NB: Our book “666: The Mark of the Beast Made Simple” launches tomorrow, April 25th, and is free on Amazon for 24 hours. Get ready to grab your copy and prepare for what’s coming.


Reread Revelation 22:20 and reflect on that verse.

Apply the Word

Are you ready for the Lord’s return? Do you anticipate it or dread the thought? Be prepared: walk in holiness, trust Him, and diligently do His work.


Ask the Father to help us always be prepared to see Jesus.

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