You were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord

God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:9 KJV)

you were called unto the fellowship of Jesus Christ

Paul says we have been called unto the fellowship of the Son of God. This verse may appear simplistic but the mysteries revealed in it are mind blowing. Let me begin by drawing your attention to the subtle figurative language used in this verse.

Imagine you are invited by a friend for dinner to share their most favorite meal. You get together, sit at the table and partake of the delicious food set before you. You both are fellowshipping together and sharing a meal. This is the figurative language used in a subtle way in the verse above. God the Father has called you to partake with Him of His own Son. Jesus as the Word of God is revealed through Solomon saying:

Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;” (Proverbs 8:30 KJV)

Jesus is the delight of the Father. And God has invited you to partake of the mysteries and delights of His Son. This is the mystery of our fellowship or oneness with Christ. In fact, when you say you have eternal life from God, this is indeed what it is. Christ is eternal life and you have been brought into partaking of the very life of God!


Please take a moment in light of the devotional above to ponder carefully on the words and then mutter those words as your spirit soaks in them.


The call of God for us is mind-blowing. It starts here but will only be fully realized when Jesus comes and a new body is given to us. You have been invited to partake of the divine nature. Let this truth be ingrained in your consciousness always.


Bless the Lord for the wonderful gift of His Son. 

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