Be Anxious for Nothing

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;” (Philippians 4:6, NKJV)

Be anxious for nothing image showing an anxious couple

Few verses test our faith and obedience like God’s command in Philippians 4:6: “Be anxious for nothing.” If you see yourself as spiritually mature, this verse serves as a challenge. Let’s examine its meaning.

The Greek word for “anxious” is merimnao, meaning “to worry” or feel distressed about potential danger or misfortune. Today, “anxiety” is often understood as a medical condition. However, Paul refers to everyday worries, not clinical anxiety. If I asked whether you have anxiety, your answer might be “no” because you may not fit the medical criteria, but Paul is addressing the worries we all face daily.

In Philippians 4:6, “be anxious” is a command, not a suggestion. God instructs us not to worry about anything. Personally, I find myself breaking this command daily, constantly pulling my heart away from worry. One believer once told me, “I can’t help but worry; it’s just who I am.” For her, worry had become so normal that she didn’t even realize it went against God’s Word.

God commands us to be anxious for nothing—including whatever is on your mind right now. Nothing means including your current situation, no matter how unique it may seem. Many of us often say, “You don’t understand,” because our situation feels different. I even heard a believer tell another to set the Bible aside and face reality—how sad.

Instead of worrying, He tells us what to do: “In everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” This is why He doesn’t want us to worry—because through prayer, we can tell Him our needs, and He listens. It may seem simple, but this is God’s solution to anxiety: trust that He cares about your needs. Unlike an unbeliever who is alone, you know God hears and responds to you.

It takes childlike faith to obey this command. Adults tend to worry; children do not. The Lord therefore tells us to become like children.Trust God like a child: be anxious for nothing and bring your needs to Him with thanksgiving.


How does “worry” in Philippians 4:6 relate to the medical diagnosis of anxiety?

Apply the Word

Will you obey God today? Resolve to be anxious for nothing, and as you release your worries to Him, you allow Him to work in your life.


Ask the Father to strengthen you through His Spirit to trust Him like a child and be anxious for nothing.

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