David served his own generation by the will of God

For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption:  (Acts 13:36 KJV)

made us kings showing a crown

David served his generation by the will of God and then went to sleep. What a description of the life of a general of God! How did He serve his own generation? David has been dead long ago, but his life continues to positively inspire, encourage, build, strengthen and direct God’s people across the ages. He was the sweet psalmist king of Israel, and a prophet.  He was a man who loved and feared God and followed him with all his heart. He did the will of God for his life and fulfilled what God had in His mind for him.

I want you to pause for a second and ponder on the implication of the last line you just read. David did and fulfilled what God had in mind for him. Consider what this means to us today. What does God have in His mind for us to do and are we going to fulfill it?

As I have taught before, serving God is both living for God and doing the work He has for you. You must not be a preacher, pastor, prophet, etc to serve God. David mainly served his generation as a king. He did exactly what God wanted Him to do. Serve your generation by the will of God.


How did David serve his generation? 


The key in this devotional is to do what God wants you to do during your stay here on earth. David served God by serving the people as their king with the other things he did. He did not have a passion for serving people or running “his ministry”. His passion was to do God’s will, and that translated to the way he served the people. Learn from David.


Ask the Father to help you serve this generation. 

The reason you were filled with the Holy Spirit

Understanding the Holy Spirit in you—not inside of you

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