Mounting a spiritual response in times of crisis
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not (Jeremiah 33:3, KJV)

There is a season for your regular fellowship with God and another season that requires you to mount a spiritual response because there is trouble. I emphasize the importance of spending time always with the Lord feeding on His Word and in prayer. In all circumstances, nothing prepares you for crisis as a solid personal foundation of intimacy with the Spirit. However, there is a season when we go out of our usual schedule because the enemy has done something unusual. Paul calls that season in life the “evil day” Eph. 6:13.
The world is in crisis right now. It is an evil day. It is not business as usual. It demands a spiritual response to silence the enemy. The Lord spoke through Jeremiah above and said, “call unto me, and I will answer thee”. One of the key spiritual responses we mount as a Church is an escalation of prayer. The Body of Christ has responded appropriately, as a community and individually in prayer against this attack from the pit of hell. A similar evil day response is that of mustering and building your faith in the Word to get it even more robust and ready to quench every fiery darts of the enemy.
Unusual times demand unusual responses. While we had family time in prayer this week, the Lord put the words of Isaiah 37:22 in my heart. When the Assyrian king attacked Judah and blasphemed God, the Lord responded to the prayer of Hezekiah and disgraced the Assyrian king. The Church has responded in prayer against this crisis, and the Lord has responded. I have good news to tell you. You will soon see a different course this pandemic will take, different from what medical experts are predicting. The Lord has turned the tides because of the response of His people. The Church is the salt of the earth. Remember I wrote a few weeks ago that there are things not happening in the earth because we are here.
The world will never be the same again, and so should your spiritual life! These are days that require us to be ready, sharp in the faith, and constantly watching in prayer.
I want you to think over Jeremiah 33:3 above. Give your mind time to think over those words.
There is a time and a season for life as usual and a time when life is unusual. Maybe the evil day you are having now is that you just lost your job or got a diagnosis of a terrible disease. Maybe it is some disturbing information about your child or loved one. When life goes unusual because of the attacks of the enemy, mount a counter-response and deal with him. Do not tremble. Do not be dismayed. Satan knows you are in charge. Do not let him get away with anything in your life.
Call upon the Lord right now and know that He will answer you in that time of trouble!
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