Called unto His Eternal Glory by Christ Jesus

But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you…  (1 Pet. 5:10 KJV)

Called unto His Eternal Glory by Christ Jesus showing a hand holding clouds

The God of grace has called us unto His glory by Christ Jesus. Grace came to bring us into the glory of God. The glory of God, in turn,  is the destination of grace in our lives and its fullness! This is the reason why our Teaching ministry is called “Glory & Grace”. It is a heavenly combination and a blessed duo. It is crucial for you to understand your calling unto the glory of God.

When many believers hear of the glory of God, they think about the fire, cloud, smoke or bright light that the saints in the old testament experienced. Yes, these are manifestations of the glory of God but there is more. The light or fire was only a manifestation of the presence of God to the natural senses. Sadly, when many think of the glory of God filling the Church today, they are still limited to thinking we will see glory clouds, angels, or bright lights, etc. Yes, these things can still happen but the scripture clearly teaches us that this level of glory is nothing compared to the real thing to come!

The glory of God in us, in essence, is the visible manifestation of the invisible God. Jesus, as a Man, was Skekinah dwelling on the earth amongst the people. He was the visible picture of everything that God is. That is partly why He is called the Light, and light is a symbol of the glory of God”. God has called the believer in Christ to become a carrier of His very presence, partake of His divine nature and be visible expressions of Him. The Israelites saw the light. You are now the light. What the saints in the Old Testament saw is fulfilled in you! The experience of the divine nature and its complete expression in us far supersedes any fleshly sight of some light or clouds. The fullness of the glory is here!!!


I have condensed so much in the short devotional above. Please ensure you understand every sentence in it. Therein lies the heart of God’s purpose in your life.


God has something wonderful for you. Stop waiting for some light or cloud to appear in your church services. That light is in you and will be seen as you. God has called you to experience what He experiences and live as He lives. It is mind-blowing this unthinkable kindness shown to us in Christ. Keep growing and see His fullness revealed.


Thank the Lord for His wonderful grace that has brought us into His glory. 

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