The powerful law of relationships

For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband (Romans 7:2 KJV)

young people and prophecy

Relationships are critical in our daily lives. We know this from the natural relationships we have, such as husband-wife, parent-child, friend-friend, etc. However, relationships take on a higher impact on spiritual matters. 

In essence, the law of relationships governs how two entities or persons interact with each other. Almost everything in existence has some form of relationship with those around them. You are in a kind of relationship with God, angels, satan and his demons, etc. The difference lies in the kind of relationship it is.

Romans 7:2 gives us an important principle of the operation of the law of relationships. It uses the analogy of marriage. When a woman is married to a man, the law of marriage forbids her from having any sexual relationship with another man. However, if the husband dies, she becomes free from that law and can marry another man. But as long as the husband is alive and they are married, that marriage relationship governs how she lives her life.

Relationships are critical, some are healthy and others are not. Some build us up and others ruin our lives. A Father-child relationship with God is the most important relationship we have. Satan has a relationship with humans, and he is the king of those who are unsaved, meaning he reigns and rules over those in darkness. That is a relationship, which is only broken in Christ.

Invest in your relationship with the Lord. Do not nurture or maintain unhealthy relationships that are ruining your life.


Is there any relationship you are in right now that is very positive and building up your life? Or think of any relationship past or present that is constantly responsible for your ruining your joy or progress.


Relationships are critical for your well-being and joy in this life. When Satan wants to destroy a man or woman but cannot do so directly, he will bring the wrong person into their life, such as a partner, friend, business partner, co-worker etc. That is how powerful relationships are. Do not maintain relationships that are not of God and you know are ruining your life yet you are still hanging on to them for some reason, whether they are friends, business partners, etc.


Ask the Spirit to help you invest in healthy relationships and end unhealthy ones in your life.  

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