Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus

Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1 KJV)

The Lord often commands us to be strong. One of the most familiar passages for this is Joshua 1:5-9, where the command “be strong and courageous” appeared repeatedly. In this verse, the Apostle Paul encourages his spiritual son to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

The word strong in this verse means “to be enabled” or to “to be or become rendered (more) capable or able for some task.” The task at hand is the grace that is in Christ. Paul was encouraging Timothy to be enabled or rendered capable of being or doing all that grace has furnished for Him.

When we dig further into the word, we find it is in the passive mood, which means something or someone is doing the strengthening of Timothy. The command then is not for Timothy to strengthen himself but for him to be strengthened. He does not tell us in this verse what should strengthen him, but with our understanding of scripture, we know it is the Holy Spirit that strengthens us with might in our inner man (Ephesians 3:16). 

So let the Holy Spirit make you strong so that you can be and do all that Christ has purchased on the cross for you.

Read more: Strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man.

I urge you to first ponder on the brief devotional above to ensure you devour the insights in it. Then take a few more minutes to think repeatedly and then speak out the words of the verse above (this is meditation, with the mind and mouth).

What should you do so that the Holy Spirit will strengthen you? Just put yourself in a place where His power will be activated in you. That is the place of feeding on the Word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers.

Thank the Father for the beautiful blessing of the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Be strong and of a good courage
O God, strengthen my hands
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