The Spirit of Faith

We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak (2 Cor. 4:13 KJV)

The spirit of faith showing a woman with headband speaking

The spirit of faith believes and then speaks. The term “spirit” here refers to an attitude, though some interpreters think it refers to the Holy Spirit. However, the context reveals the Apostle was speaking about a kind of mentality and attitude that accompanies the operation of faith.

This same sequence played out when we received Christ as the Apostle Paul says in Rom 10:10

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation  (Rom. 10:10 KJV).

Our faith requires talking. Our God is a speaking God. Faith is responding to the Word of God, and it should come as no surprise that speaking out what you have believed is a vital part of the operation of faith. Learn to verbalize what you have believed in the Word. Words create. They bring forth into existence. The miracle you are believing for in your heart should be unleashed by spoken words. You can confess the Word at home. You should confess the Word when life throws the exact opposite of what you believe at you. When fear attacks your heart, release the Word you have believed from your mouth. The word that changes your outward situation here on the earth is the word spoken which unleashes divine energy into the natural atmosphere.


Part of the reason why I always encourage you to mutter God’s words during meditation is what I have discussed above. Meditation is not just thinking on the Word. It is muttering, speaking forth the Word under your breath. Meditate on the verse above!


Do you talk the Word? Your mind will be your greatest hindrance to putting this truth to work. It does not make sense to be talking as such. Bypass your mind and follow the Word. Learn to speak forth God’s Word. Do not keep quiet!


Ask God for the wisdom and strength to speak forth His Word regularly. 

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