A year to crave wisdom

Through wisdom is an house builded; And by understanding it is established (Proverbs 24:3 KJV)

engrafted word

A house is built by wisdom and established by understanding. The house can be your life, family, ministry, business, career, etc. The scripture tells us it takes wisdom to build and establish things in our lives. 

God’s wisdom works mysteriously together with His power. When many of us think of creation, we often talk of God’s great power. Many of us do not realize God’s wisdom was fully at work in creation as much as His power. Proverbs 3:19 says “The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; By understanding hath he established the heavens.”

As I have shared before in our devotionals, many of our problems are not power problems but wisdom problems. Many of us struggle in many aspects of lives not because we lack power but because we lack wisdom. In fact, the Church for the most part has known about the power of God but not so much the wisdom of God. We need both. What do you see when you look at the earthly life and ministry of the Lord? The wisdom and power of the Spirit in full operation! 

Wisdom makes you know what to do to get the right results. It gives you insight into what works and what does not. The Lord wants you to start walking in wisdom in your marriage, business, finances, etc. Put His wisdom to work in your life this year.


How did the wisdom of God  operate with His power tin creating the earth? 


The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom. The beginning of wisdom is to desire wisdom! Start desiring and asking  God for wisdom in every part of your life. His Word is His wisdom, and as you fill your heart with the Word, it gradually becomes wiser and wiser with the wisdom of God. And as you develop intimacy and fellowship with the Spirit, He quickens your understanding in spiritual and physical matters. Activate God’s wisdom in your life this year!


Thank the Father for the wonderful gift of His wisdom to us. 

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