A secret to getting results in prayer

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words (Romans 8:26 ESV)

praying in tongues

The prayer of petition is an integral part of prayer. We might never fully understand why God wants us to ask us for things He already wants or intends to do. Part of it is that God has given us the authority on the earth and we need to ask for Him to intervene. 

Many years ago, the Lord began bringing to my attention the content of the prayers of Jesus and the Apostle Paul recorded in scriptures. When I compared it to the content of my usual prayers then, I realized they were not aligned. As Romans 8:26 above states, we do not know what to pray for as we ought. It is not enough to want to pray. The content of our prayers also matters.

The mystery of intercession lies in the fact that God’s will for your life, even though already clear, needs to be prayed into fulfillment. God wants people saved, but someone needs to pray. God wants you to grow in the faith but prayer is needed for that to happen. The secret is to learn to pray God’s will, which is quickly done by praying the scriptures. Pray for your life, ministry, marriage, spouse, neighbors, nation, etc. Do not ask amiss(James 4:3), asking things which are off-target. Pray God’s will. It does not mean you never should ask material things. It means you should focus on praying God’s Will, whether for physical or spiritual matters, as revealed in the scriptures. 


I want you to ponder what the verse above says that we do not know what to pray for as we ought. How does that apply to you? 


Please do this: look at all the instances  when the Apostle Paul prayed in the scriptures and look at the  content of his prayers. Learn to pray like that for yourself and those around you. 


Ask the Spirit to help you according to the verse above so that you do not keep asking amiss( James 4:3). 

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