A mind-blowing metamorphosis is coming!

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed (1 Corinthians 15:51–52 KJV)

The greatest “miracle” and the most radical transformation in a person’s life is the new birth experience. What it takes to change a sinner to a child of God is beyond human comprehension. However, many of us do not even think much about this because it occurs in a realm outside of our usual realm of operation. It is a spiritual, not a physical transformation. 

After the new birth, the Lord then commands us to engage in a distinct dimension of the transformation of our soul, which is essentially the renewal of our minds and character. Again, this transformation is a powerful operation of the Spirit in our hearts but it is not physical and dramatic.

The last change that will take place in us will be the change of our physical bodies. Paul says in our passage above that it will occur in a moment, in the twinkle of an eye. Those who will be alive when Jesus returns will have a glorious transformation of their physical bodies as this old body of flesh and blood, frail and mortal, will be transformed to a glorious spiritual body. This body will not be a physical body with the Spirit’s characteristics to fully express God’s life! It will be the most remarkable and mind-blowing physical change in humanity!


Please read the verse above and describe what Paul specifically calls “a mystery” above.


Proverbs 4:18 above says the path of the righteous  keeps shining brighter and brighter like the morning light until the full light of noon. You have been changed. You are being changed. And there is a glorious change coming! Be encouraged for glorious things are spoken of you!


Bless the Lord for the wonderful gift of salvation. 

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