A Hammer that Breaks the Rock into Pieces

Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? (Jer. 23:29 ESV).

Rocks broken in pieces

The LORD says above that His Word is like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces. He made this statement while talking about the false prophets in Jeremiah’s day who were saying words to the people that God did not say. They made the people believed that it was God speaking, only to be disappointed when they do not find any results because human words, whether in preaching or prophecy, cannot produce any divine results. 

The LORD then gives us two unique and distinguishing characteristics of words that come from Him. They are like fire that consumes anything on its path and as a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces. What does this mean? Rock in this context signifies resistance or opposition or challenges. God’s Word prevails over all circumstances of life. John said it shines in darkness and the darkness does not contain it. Luke said it vividly in  Acts 19:20 “So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily” ( ESV).  This is God’s Hammer that breaks the rocks of the circumstance of life in pieces.

I remember in times past when I would face challenging situations and asked for God to do something “physical” to help encourage my faith and He would repeatedly say to me in my heart that “you shall overcome by My Word.” He wanted me to be sure that His Word will break the resistances of life like a  hammer without any physical signs to please my senses. If only many believers know and believe what they carry in their hands! ( The Bible).


What does the analogy of fire mean in the verse above? ( Jer. 5:14). Declare that “God’s Word in my mouth is a hammer that breaks the rocks of life in pieces before me and devours the enemies of my soul!”.


The first rock the Word wants to break is the hardness of our own hearts! Take it in, allow it to soften your heart and thereafter come out to break every resistance of the enemy before you.


Thank the LORD for the beautiful gift of His Word to us.

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