A Changed Heart

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jer. 17:9 KJV)

changed heart

A changed heart is the only sure foundation for a changed life. Any outward changes not coming from the heart will not only be temporary but may  lead to frustration. But how do we change our hearts?

Man’s heart became deceitful and wicked the day sin entered into the world. That is why the first step to a changed life occurs when we accept Jesus. We are then recreated, or reborn, by God’s Spirit. The seed for a changed heart is the recreated human spirit inside of us as believers.

But the heart has two parts-the spirit and the soul. As a believer, your spirit has already undergone a complete change. However, the soul, powered by the mind, also has to change. Have you ever tried to behave the way God commanded and found it almost impossible? For example, have you found yourself almost powerless to really “be anxious for nothing”, as God commanded? This is because your heart has not yet been strengthened. If you strengthen your heart, it will become easier to do His Word. The Word of God sown into our hearts is the seed to produce a change. All God is asking of you is to pay attention, and take the seed of the Word into your heart (Prov. 4:20-23). Put the seed in the ground and it will produce a plant all by itself. You will not know how it happened, but you will surely see the results.


Do you know that you already have a changed heart as a believer? Declare that “I am a new creation and I have a new heart in Christ”.


Are you struggling with believing God? Are you trying to break free from an addiction? Is a habit holding your captive? Are you ready for real change? Then start planting the Seed of God’s Word into your heart constantly.


Ask the Spirit to help you in this process of transformation to break free form every behavioral entanglement, and enter into your glorious life in Christ.

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