Wisdom is Justified of all her Children

But wisdom is justified of all her children (Lk. 7:35 KJV)

Wisdom is Justified of all her Children showing an open book

Jesus gave a public endorsement of John the Baptist, whose ministry had been rejected by the  Pharisees. These same Pharisees also rejected the ministry of Jesus and in response to their rejection, Jesus said: “wisdom is justified of all her children”. That means wisdom is shown to be right by all her children. He personifies wisdom and treats her as a person with children. This is often seen in the book of Proverbs, where wisdom prepares food and drink and sends out invitations to men!

Wisdom, in essence, is the way of God. Her children are the results it produces. Wisdom is shown to surpass foolishness by the results it produces. That means in the immediate term, it might sometimes not be possible to value wisdom because some results require time, while others are instantaneous. Time is sometimes required to reveal foolishness and validate wisdom. 

This principle remains foundational to us today. There is a lot going on in Christianity, with many factions, doctrines, teachings, etc. Wisdom is still justified by her children. We do no longer need to quarrel about doctrines and teachings. Doctrines will proof themselves by the fruits they produce.  The Church needs results. The world cries out for results. It is time we also demand results from our Christianity. The results of Christianity in any man’s life can be grouped into these categories: a personal intimacy and fellowship of God that that individual enjoys, the fruit of the Spirit seen in their Character and the evidence of God working through them to touch other people not just with fancy words but tangible life-changing results.

Our spiritual wisdom must not be barren. The wisdom from God will be justified by her children.


Is your spiritual wisdom barren or fruitful? Do you have results in your Christian life? Take a quick look at the three broad categories of results mentioned above.


If Christianity does not work, it is time to put it to rest—forever. It works, and it is wisdom from above with results! The results of Christianity put it apart from the emptiness of religion in the world. Our God is a God of results. He is real and wants you to have an enjoyable fellowship with Him that will impact everything inside of you. He wants to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit including love and joy in your character. He wants to work through you with tangible results in the lives of others. Demand results from yourself and demand results from others before you endorse any form of wisdom claimed to be from God.


Sincerely ask the Lord to bring the Church into the realm of results. 

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