Why bitterness is horrible for you as a believer

A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed (Proverbs 15:13, ESV)

Our life is governed by our  hearts, and especially  the human spirit inside of us. Prov. 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence because our lives are determined by what is in it. Well, one of the things the Lord wants us to watch over is the joy or sorrow in our hearts. This is where bitterness, which is that deep feeling of hurt, offense, anger, and resentment, comes in.

The verse above tells us that sorrow of the heart, which is where bitterness belongs, crushes the spirit of a person. And if our spirit determines the affairs of your life, then you can figure out what a crushed spirit will produce in our lives. I wrote a devotional a while ago with the title “bitterness is bitter”. Bitterness taps and activate the supernatural to work against us. Those who are bitter seem to have a powerful attraction for bitter things in life. You will almost seem to find bitterness in their relationships, marriages, health, finances, etc. This is not by chance. The Lord says our hearts govern our lives. There is a powerful spiritual force that is set in motion to ensure those who are bitter really get the bitter things in life. 

God’s cure for bitterness is found in Eph. 4:32

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32, ESV).

It is surrender to the Lordship of Jesus by doing what He commands us to do, even if our flesh is screaming “no” no”. He says be kind to people, and give them the gift of forgiveness, in the same way, I gave you the gift of forgiveness for the sins and things you committed against Me. These words pierce our hearts. If you have obeyed the Lord and forgiven someone before, you will know the pain and tears of obeying Him. However, after you have cried and done what the Lord commands you, your spirit and heart will be lifted up into a level of glory and the presence of God that you will afterward thank the Lord He commanded you to forgive!

It is disturbing to know how many Christians are out there  are going on with their Christian life as if everything is OK  but carry  bitterness in their hearts. And it  can be hidden from the sight of others  but not for long. 

Bitterness is horrible for us. It is one of Satan’s best kept secret to oppress believers silently in the quiet of their lives. Say “no” today by declaring that Jesus is Lord over your life, and you will abide by His Word for you in Eph. 4:32 to be kind and forgiving   even if Satan is whispering to you not to do it!


Is there bitterness in your heart? Could you take a moment and search your heart with the Holy Spirit?


If you are bitter, God is asking you: are you ready to put an end to the darkness in you and move on to the light? If you are not bitter, God is instructing you to guard your heart with all diligence and do not give bitterness  a second in your life.It takes the power of the Spirit to live free of offense, and He will strengthen you.


Ask the Spirit to strengthen you to protect your heart against every form of bitterness or offense. 

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