A Simple Truth That Will Demystify Faith

And everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this? (John 11:26 ESV) 

Faith is mandatory if you ever dream of walking with God or experiencing His supernatural presence and power. This crucial place of faith is not mere rhetoric from “faith preachers.” On the contrary, the Bible clearly portrays faith as critical for your salvation and daily walk with God. So it will be of your interest to understand what faith is and how to walk in it. 

But there is a problem many of us need to overcome, and I call it the faith problem amongst God’s people. Many believers either struggle with faith or assume they are walking in faith, whereas it might not be faith at all.

I will share a brief truth that will transform your walk of faith and your walk with God if well understood and received. I have intentionally refrained from explaining many of the little details because of space constraints for this devotional. Please watch the Live Bible study for the needed explanations. This is the simple truth: 

As the foundation upon which faith is built, believing is a universal feature of all human beings that operate primarily in the mind and which produces faith when the Holy Spirit makes it receive the things of God. 

Believing is a universal capacity of all human beings. All human beings can believe; the difference lies in what they believe. Believing is, therefore, an ability of the human mind that is not a unique property of the born-again spirit or Christians. Similarly, believing is not an activity of the human Spirit separate from the mind; the seat(where it occurs) of believing is the mind.

Believing becomes faith when the Holy Spirit quickens that human capacity to enable it to accept the things of God as true. This believing of faith operates in the same way natural believing works; the difference is that faith believes in the things of God. There are at least four essential steps to believing: we know or understand something, then our reason tells us it makes sense so we can accept it, then we receive it as accurate and become persuaded about it. 

The simple truths outlined above will transform your life of faith. I pray the Spirit opens your understanding to receive them.

Read more: What is faith?

Watch the Bible Study for the Explanations: Demystifying Faith.

Do the unsaved also have the capacity to believe? Do atheists also believe? What is the difference between the believing of atheists and Christians?

Please study the devotional above, critically double-check every claim in it, and receive it fully.

Ask the Father to help us understand what faith really is.

Read more

The Mystery of Believing.
What is faith?
I Believe ; Help Thou Mine Unbelief
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