What Speaking in Tongues Does to Your Spirit
The one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but the one who prophesies builds up the church (1 Cor. 14:4 ESV)

The scripture above teaches us that the one who prays in tongues builds up himself. The Greek word used for “builds up” in the verse above is oikodomeo, which means “to build a house or erect a building.” Your life is a house, that is why God calls us the believers His Temples. Jesus said He would build His Church, again using the figure of a House in referring to His people. As a building is erected and established, so speaking in tongues builds up the believer.
When God builds us up, He increases and establishes spiritual virtues in our lives such as wisdom, power, love, joy, etc. The Apostle Paul says each time you pray in tongues, something from God grows and increases in your life. The more you pray in tongues, the more your life will rise as a skyscraper being erected by the Holy Spirit!
Paul also said he spoke in tongues more than all the Corinthians( 1 Cor. 14:18). This is an audacious statement!What did he personally know about speaking in tongues? Well, part of it is what he wrote above. The one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself. This clearly indicates there is also a personal benefit to speaking in tongues. This gift is God’s secret tool for you to access and activate realms of the supernatural in your life you will never be able to do otherwise.
Is speaking in tongues, therefore, a gift that is restricted to serving others only? Why do you think the Apostle Paul spoke in tongues so much?
Put this Word to work. I won’t have the space to discuss some of our troubles, confusion, and divisions in Christianity today about this gift. I would say this: pray in tongues more and more!
Ask the Lord for a fresh spirit of prayer to come on you from today!
Read & Watch
My Story of Struggles and Disappointments in Seeking the Gift of Speaking in Tongues
Three Steps to Receive the Baptism of the Spirit and Speak in Tongues
The Wisdom of the Holy Spirit
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