What is the Anointing?
And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them, that they may minister unto me in the priest’s office (Exodus 30:30 KJV)

The anointing is the Holy Spirit in(or upon) a person consecrating them unto God and empowering them to serve Him. A working knowledge of the anointing is mandatory if you want to live for God or serve Him fully. Since it is impossible to unpack the mysteries of the definition of the anointing in a brief devotional, we will attempt to highlight a few crucial features below.
The anointing was partially at work in the Old Testament but fully revealed in the New. In the Old Covenant, oil was poured on the heads of kings, priests, and prophets to symbolize their separation and enablement(the anointing) for the particular task they were called to accomplish.
However, the why of the anointing is the most critical foundational aspect. And I will encourage you to soak this truth as a sponge absorbs water: God does not accept anyone or any service offered to Him outside of His Spirit. He takes no pleasure in anything we do for Him out of our strength or wisdom. For example, opening a Church, preaching to millions, or even fasting for 100 days by our leading or doing and NOT by His Spirit is unacceptable to Him. Such works, like dried branches, will be burned by God’s refining fire. He takes no delight in the arm of the flesh. Therefore, it is not about doing things but doing them by the wisdom, power, and direction of the Spirit.
With this foundational truth in place, let us review the meaning of the anointing as the Holy Spirit in a person. It is the Spirit in the human spirit operating in and as the person. From an operational standpoint, this is probably the most critical truth about how the anointing works. For example, Solomon was heavily anointed with the wisdom of God. However, that wisdom operated as Solomon—it was Solomon thinking, reasoning, controlling his mind, etc. However, God supernaturally enabled his mind to operate with wisdom beyond human abilities. To learn more about this truth, please see this devotional: “How the Holy Spirit works in our human spirit.” And for the subtle difference between the Spirit in and upon someone, see this devotional.
While operating in us, the anointing consecrates and empowers. Although we are always tempted to associate the anointing with service, the scripture reveals that the anointing does more than make us able to work for God. Besides service, the anointing consecrates: it separates a person as set apart for God. For example, every believer has heavily anointed at salvation when the Holy Spirit came into them to make them God’s children! Then at the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there is another anointing—and empowerment for service. Therefore the anointing both consecrates and empowers.
Furthermore, there are two parts to the empowering anointing: power and wisdom. Again, since power is more conspicuous, we often ignore the reality that the anointing can operate either in wisdom like Solomon or power like Samson or Elijah. Better still, God’s power and wisdom are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, He has anointed us with both in Christ!
Finally, Christ is the anointing personified. He is the fulness of the Holy Spirit in a human being, fully expressing all the personality, wisdom, and power of God in the flesh. And Christ, the Anointed One, is in you with the totality of all He is and has!
What is the anointing in your own words?
If knowledge is power in material things, it is quadruple power in spiritual things! As you know, understand, and believe the knowledge you just read above, there will be a corresponding increase in the manifestations of the anointing in your life!
Thank the Father for anointing us in Christ.