What is spiritual hunger?
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. (Matt. 5:6 KJV)
Spiritual hunger and thirst are drivers of spiritual fullness. Only those who are hungry and thirsty get filled. This principle is very important to grow spiritually.
But what is spiritual hunger? It is easy to understand when you consider what natural hunger is. Hunger is the feeling you get in your body when it is in need of food. There are two parts. The first is the sense of need. The body first senses the need. The second part is the desire. Once that need is sensed, it starts craving and desiring food.
Spiritual hunger operates in the same way. First, our spirit recognizes and senses our need for God. The second aspect is that your spirit desires and craves for more of God. God has reserved the fullness for those who are hungry. You will hardly ever receive a level of God’s presence that you are not hungry for. The Father is the Treasure of heaven, and His presence and power are for those who desire and long after Him.
Spiritual hunger is a good thing for the believer. It should be distinguished from the hunger and thirst of a lost soul to find the living God. In Christ, you have already eaten the Bread from heaven and drank of the water of life. But after that experience, the Lord commands us to continue to desire more and more of Him. It is our desire for more of Him that increases our capacity to receive more.
What has the Lord promised to those who are hungry from Matt. 5:6 above? What is the difference between the hunger of an unsaved person and the hunger of a child of God?
First, recognize that hunger and thirst for God are excellent spiritual virtues. Increase your spiritual capacity by increasing your hunger for God. Desire more of His presence and His power in your life.
Ask the Spirit to increase your desire and hunger for Him every single day.
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