Four Key Insights to Help You Understand the Kingdom of God
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10 KJV)

Though we are often so thrilled by the idea of the kingdom of God, it is usually not clear to many believers what that kingdom is. Of the many wonderful revelations in the scriptures regarding the kingdom of God, I have chosen just four in this devotional that will clarify God’s idea of His kingdom in your mind.
First, the kingdom of God is where the will of God reigns or is done. Contrary to other forms of government such as democracy, in a kingdom, there is no higher authority than what the king wants. For example, everything in Eden was the way God wanted—perfectly.
Second, the kingdom of God is not one of the kingdoms of the world( John 18:36). This has been the most misunderstood aspect of the kingdom from the days of the Old Testament until today. God’s kingdom is not physical. Strangely, even today, many believers still think God’s kingdom has to do with political power or having righteous people in governments of the world. Yes, though the kingdom will include the world’s governments, and Jesus will reign one day during the millennial in a physical kingdom, God’s kingdom is NOT physical. The next point will help you grasp this concept.
Third, Satan’s kingdom helps us understand the realm or sphere of God’s kingdom. Do you know Satan has a kingdom? ( Matt. 12:26). If so, where is His kingdom located? In Pergamum( Rev. 2:13)? Just as the kingdom of God, Satan’s kingdom is not a physical kingdom but a spiritual one; his reign is palpable in people’s lives, communities, governments, educational systems, movie industry, etc. Satan’s kingdom is his sphere of control over human life, where he makes humans be or do what he wants. And he indeed is succeeding. If you look at the world, you see evidence of Satan everywhere—the world’s systems look like Satan, not God. However, when God’s kingdom takes over, you will look around, and everything will look like God.
Fourth, power drives the control and culture of any kingdom. The power of the kingdom backs the will of the king. In a physical kingdom, royal and military power support the king’s will. In God’s kingdom, the power of the Holy Spirit brings God’s will to pass, such as healing or deliverance ( Luke 11:20). Similarly, every kingdom has a culture, including physical kingdoms. When God’s kingdom reigns, you find righteousness, peace, and joy( the fruit of the Spirit), healing, prosperity, freedom, etc. Imagine what would happen when the kingdom of God fills the whole earth! ( Dan. 2:35).
God desires to establish His kingdom on the earth through you and me—the Church.
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What is the kingdom of God?
God wants His kingdom to come in your life, home, community, business, state, nation, and into everything that takes place under the sun on this earth. Seek first that kingdom and His righteousness!
ask the Father to put in your heart a burning desire to see His kingdom come.