Three Levels of Being in the Spirit
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his (Romans 8:9 KJV)

Christianity is dead without the Holy Spirit—Bible study, prayer, and all our Christian activities will be empty religious formalities without the invigorating power and presence of the Spirit. I pray that as you follow our ministry, read these devotionals, and watch the sermons, you will grow in your intimacy and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
During our last Deshen Live Bible study, we discussed three levels of “in the Spirit.” I will summarize this critical teaching in this devotional; however, I encourage you to watch the full teaching video. But first, what does it mean to “be in the Spirit”?
Think of what happened when God breathed the human spirit into the lifeless body of Adam in Genesis 2:7. As soon as the human spirit came into the body, Adam became a person, and His body came alive. When the spirit( small “s” for human spirit) entered the body, it raised the body’s state of existence and function to a higher degree of the life of his spirit. In other words, Adam came into a level of life powered by his own human spirit. Similarly, when we receive the Holy Spirit, He brings us into a divine realm of existence and function; we come into the Spirit—God’s realm. And scripture shows us different levels of this realm called “in the Spirit”.
The first level of “in the Spirit” occurs at the new birth when we receive the Holy Spirit, as discussed in Romans 8:9. Level 1 is the foundation. We enter into God’s realm as our spirits are regenerated and united with the Holy Spirit at salvation. Level 1 brings us into a permanent fellowship or communion with God in our spirits. Therefore, by default, every child of God is “in the Spirit” on level 1.
Level 2 is a functional dimension. John describes it perfectly with the words, “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet” (Revelation 1:10 KJV). In this level, the Spirit of God lifts our physical senses and psychological faculties to function in dimensions beyond normal human abilities. It is the level of prophetic visions or supernatural gifts. For example, when John stepped “into the Spirit” in level 2, his ears heard Christ’s voice; his ears were now hearing spiritual things which ordinary human beings will not. Then comes level 3.
While John was still in level 2, He heard a voice telling him to come up even higher ( Rev. 4:1-2). So there is a dimension or level beyond level 2. John was invited to come higher to level 3. As soon as he stepped into the Spirit on level 3, He saw God’s throne. So level 3 is the throne room level, interacting with God’s presence in the real holy of holies.
May the Lord cause you to be activated to function in levels 2 and 3!
Watch Deshen Live Bible Study: Three Levels of “In the Spirit”
What does it mean to be “in the Spirit,” as described above?
Scripture teaches that God is the One who pulls us into levels 2 and 3. However, there are things we can do to provoke that move. Ask, seek and knock! Keep pressing to grow in your intimacy with the Holy Spirit and watch higher supernatural levels unfold
Ask the Lord to cause you to grow from baby level 1 into operating in levels 2 and 3.
Read & Watch
Watch: Three Levels of “In the Spirit”
What Does it Mean to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?
Three Facets of the Process of Being Filled with the Spirit
Two Phases of Being Filled with the Holy Spirit
How to Yield to the Holy Spirit
View all Deshen Daily devotionals including today’s devotional.
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