The Word did not profit them

For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it (Heb. 4:2 KJV).

the word did not profit them

When God spoke to the Israelites, the Word did not profit them, meaning the Israelites did not benefit from His Word. This is an important exhortation and caution for us today. God’s Words are spirit and life, carrying divine power to bring those words to pass. In today’s unusual text, we are told that God’s Word did not produce any results.

Please notice that it is possible to derive no benefit from God’s Word. Have you ever heard a struggling believer murmur “God’s Word did not work for me”? They were looking for the same results reported by other Christians, but were left disappointed. Yes, God’s Word does not work for some people. It is our responsibility to find out who those people are, and how they diluted the Word of God.

The verse above gives us one reason why the Word of God may not work: the Israelites did not believe. Faith-your response to God’s Word-will determine your results. No one can profit from the Word of God without first having the believer’s faith-filled heart.


Is it possible to take an action of faith while lacking true faith in our hearts? Declare that “My faith is growing, and I am deriving the maximum benefit from God’s Word”


Is God’s Word of any practical benefit to you? Have you ever thought Christians might “just be making things up” because the Word did not work for you? If so, search your heart, and see what your response to the Word really is.


Ask the Spirit of the Lord to help you position yourself to derive maximum benefit from His Word.

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