The Seal of the Holy Spirit

Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts  (2 Cor. 1:22 KJV)

The Father has sealed us in Christ. His seal on us is the Holy Spirit. But what does it mean that God the Father has sealed us in Christ?

There are three keywords which put together give us a holistic idea of this remarkable term “seal.” They are ownership, authentication, and security. The primary meaning is that of ownership. When God gave us the Spirit, it was an indication that we belong to Him. When Satan sees us, he sees a mark that tells him that this one or that one belongs to God! You have been sealed with the Holy Spirit in Christ!

The second related meaning of the seal is that of authentication. I want you to think of the power of the Apple logo on the iPhone.  I just googled the worth of Apple’s brand which is centered on the logo and it is  $107 billion!!!  How can a logo be worth billions of dollars?  Part of it is the quality that has been attributed to name Apple as a company. If you see that logo on a product, it is an authentication that the brand and high standards of Apple are behind the product. When you purchase the product, you expect the quality of an Apple product. God has authenticated you in Christ! He has put His seal on you to indicate that His Name stands behind who you are. He guarantees that you are a new creation, created holy and righteous in Christ! What a thought to think upon! The giving of the Spirit to you is a sign to prove that the Father is vouching that your quality is top-notch, heavenly!

The last but not the least of the meanings of the seal is that of security. Think of the warranty that comes with the  Apple product  mentioned above. That logo is telling you that Apple, or any other company, has a responsibility to repair that product within the lifetime of the warranty. God’s seal on us means He is asserting that He will protect and defend those who are His!

The Lord has sealed us in Christ with the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!


What are the three vital related meanings of the word “seal” discussed above? Declare that “ I am sealed in Christ with the seal of the Holy Spirit”. 


The Father has sealed you. He is concerned about you.  You belong to Him. You are His masterpiece, and He does not shy away from authenticating who you are in Christ. He protects His own. You can count on Him.  Meditate on this truth to have it take hold of your spirit.


Thank the Father for His wonderful blessings for us in Christ.

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Who Is the Holy Spirit and What Does He Do?
What Happens When the Holy Spirit Falls on People
The Wisdom of the Holy Spirit
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