The mysteries of the knowledge of God at work in us
And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha (2 Kings 6:17, KJV)

The knowledge of God is a mystery at work in us. The Lord says “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom” (Col. 3:16). He wants the knowledge of God to fill our hearts. Why does the Lord want this? God is not interested in making you a Theologian or Bible scholar. I have said this multiple times: God did not give us the Word to create a system of academics around it. There is value in Theological studies, but that is secondary to the real purpose of the Word in your life. Let me use a case in the scriptures to explain to you the mysteries of the working of the knowledge of God in us.
In our scripture above, when Elisha and his servant were surrounded by the enemy, the servant naturally got fearful and nervous. Elisha prayed and asked the Lord to open his servant’s eyes and he saw angelic armies around them. As soon as he saw the army of angels, his fears died down instantaneously. What was God’s purpose for opening his eyes to give him this open-eye vision? The purpose was to give the servant knowledge of spiritual reality he could not see with his physical eyes. Please take a minute to understand this. The vision brought the knowledge of spiritual realities in visual form. That knowledge produced an immediate change in the servant. His fears and anxieties died down. The knowledge produced an immediate result. Remember, the case of the servant was fear and anxiety. It could have been a disease, bondage or other challenging situation.
The critical truth I want you to catch here is that the knowledge of God is much more than information or awareness. It is experiential. When God opened the eyes of his servant, he saw, and he was changed. I want you to see how this correlate with Paul’s prayer in Ephesians
“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know ….” (Ephesians 1:18, KJV)
God gave the servant a prophetic vision, he saw and knew. Paul is telling us that understanding is also an eye that can be opened to see and know. This is what I often write and teach about: your understanding of the Word can open your eyes to see Jesus and experience His presence and power in the same way that a prophetic open-eye vision will do. You do not have to wait to see Jesus physically walk into your room to start believing and living in the things the Word says. He is in the Word and He wants you to see Him. When you see and know Him, your life will be changed. If you are sick and you see Him, healing will be your experience. If you are oppressed by the devil and you see Him, deliverance will come. There is a mystery about the knowledge of God working in us. Crave to know the Lord. Grow rapidly in your knowledge of Him.
Read more: Open Thou mines eyes.
What is the difference between mere information and the experiential knowledge of God discussed above? Are your eyes currently closed or are they opened?
Child of God, grow in your knowledge of God! You will be amazed how the living Christ manifests Himself in His knowledge. You will be astonished to realize you can come into a full experience of God’s presence and power by His knowledge. This is why the Lord stresses on meditation and feeding on the Word. As I mentioned above, His primary goal is not to make you a Bible scholar. He wants to reveal and manifest His presence and power in you. Some of you will realize as you see Christ in the scriptures, chains of addictions, anxieties, fear, diseases, etc will fall off your hands without anyone even praying for you!
Ask the Father to give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him that the eyes of your understanding might be enlightened to see the mysteries of our Lord and enjoy the wonderful life He has called you into.
- What is Epignosis?
- Your Testimonies are My Delight
- Knowing the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge
- Some Have Not the knowledge of God
- The Experiential Nature of the Knowledge of God
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals