The Last Enemy that shall be Destroyed is Death

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death (1 Cor. 15:26 KJV)

The Apostle Paul calls Death the “last enemy,” and gives us its destiny which is annihilation or destruction. We cannot help but ask “if death is the last enemy, then who or what are the first, second, etc enemies before death?”.  A quick look at the fall gives us some clues.

We know that the Lord did not create the earth as it is today. Satan stepped into God’s creation and introduced sin. When sin came, it came with its faithful companion called death. Satan brought sin, and sin brought death. Satan is the lord of death(Heb. 2:14). Satan and sin are two enemies that precede death and are destroyed before it.  What that means is that at the time death is being destroyed, Satan and sin would have been destroyed already. 

It gets even more exciting. Do you know that everything that came with Satan and sin will be destroyed with them? Think about the earth before and after the fall. Whatever was not there  before the fall is not God’s will and came because of this fatal trio—Satan, sin, and death. There was no poverty,  depression, sickness, addictions, evil, etc. in Eden. These things are enemies to our joy  and peace on earth. Satan and his evil spirits are the intelligence behind sin and death, and they are our first level enemies. They deceive humanity into sin knowing that sin brings death. And when death comes, it has both physical, spiritual and eternal consequences for man.  

You do not need to wait to go to heaven before seeing this victory. When you hear of Christian victory, it refers to our ability to rule over Satan, sin, and death here and now. There is no sin in heaven for you to overcome, so the victory over Satan and sin spoken about us starts here!  As far as Christ is concerned, you have victory over Satan, sin, and death. Death is permitted to touch us only when we physically die because this physical body must die except those  believers who will be alive when Jesus returns. Even then, the Lord calls it “sleep”, because that is really what happens to the believer. Death cannot touch us. We simply sleep and be with the Lord until He returns. You see, you are wired for victory every single day of your present earthly life!


Is Christ’s victory over Satan, sin, and death a reality we can enjoy here and now? Declare that “ I am victorious over Satan, sin, and death in every area of my life here and now!!”.


The sting of death is sin. If you have ever wondered if there is one practical reason why God commands us to live a righteous and holy  life besides doing what pleases Him, then this is it!. Nothing opens the door to Satan and then death in our lives like sin. Spiritual victory begins with a life of holiness and righteousness for our own protection! For example, living in adultery or sexual immorality and praying for divine protection will make us an object of laughter for  Satan. He knows sin is such a big door for him that even  God would not sovereignly block because sin must bring death, and death is the arena of his reign. Put on the breastplate of righteousness and enjoy the good life God has given you!


Ask the Lord to help you enjoy your spiritual victory in your health, finances, family, relationships, ministry, etc. 

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