The greatest work of the Spirit in your life

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…(Romans 12:2 KJV)

the Spirit's great work in our hearts showing a woman making a heart with her fingers

What is the greatest work or miracle that can take place in a person’s life? Think of the miracles that Jesus performed for people: healings, castings out demons, multiplying bread, providing money in a fish mouth, etc. What do you think is the most outstanding work or call it a “miracle” here that God can perform in your life? It is not what many of us might expect.

Changing a person’s heart is the greatest work the Spirit can carry out in people.  It far exceeds healing of their bodies or sending them a billion-dollar check in the mail. This work occurs in two stages. The first stage is at salvation, where the heart undergoes the first change as the human spirit becomes born again. This first change is instantaneous. The second change occurs when the Spirit begins to work on the soul(thoughts, emotions, will) of that individual to change how they view life, what they believe, their willingness to obey Him, tenderness to love others, etc. This is the core of what the renewing of the mind is.

Please note this: what God wants the most from you is not your money, time, availability, etc. He wants your heart ( Prov. 23:26). If He has your heart, He will have everything else.  If the Lord can make you willing to obey Him, believe what He says to you, change your interests, etc., then He will have your entire life. And you will be delighted and thankful that He does have your whole life this year!


What is the meaning of renewing the mind? Please take a moment, reread the verse above, and think carefully through each Word.


It is so sad we often fail to recognize what the Spirit is longing to do in our lives. When many of us go to “Spirit-filled” meetings or revivals, we often expect healings, some power-manifestations, etc. We often fail to cooperate with the one thing the Spirit wants to do the most in our lives: change our hearts to make them conducive for His presence and power. Cooperate with the Spirit this year.


Ask the Spirit to help you engage in heart-transformation with Him as you spend time in His Word and prayer this year. 

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  1. I desire a heart work, mine is to get out of the religion mindset. I need a new life in the Spirit, am born again but I have not experience him in Spirit and truth. Just stumbled on this page.

    1. Amen Loise. The Spirit of the Lord fulfill that desire in your life indeed. You have lots of resources here to get you to guide you to that encounter with Him daily. Blessings

  2. I am so thankful I found this ministry. I am looking forward to this year. My prayer to be ‘change my heart oh God’. I need to understand better the oil of joy I am sad and so afraid to lose those I love. My son died 2 years ago and this terrible great now remains that I will also lose my husband. I need peace in my heart so I’m not tortured by this.

    1. Thank you for visiting and sharing with me. So sorry to hear of the loss of your son. I have just prayed for you and these two verses come into my mind for you: Philippians 4:6-8 and Psalms 46:10. Please read and meditate on both and the Lord fill your heart with His joy and peace that surpasses understanding. Patrick

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