The glory of the LORD had filled the house of God
So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of God (2 Chronicles 5:14 KJV)

When Solomon finished building the Temple in Jerusalem, the LORD’s glory, visible as a cloud, filled the Temple. The cloud was so thick that the priests could not stand to minister. What a glorious presence and day that was in Israel!
What happened on that day in Israel is only a prophetic shadow of the real thing that is about to take place. The Law was a shadow of the real thing to come in Christ. The Temple that Solomon built is a shadow and pointed to the real Temple on earth, which is God’s people, that is, you and me. God is not interested in living in physical buildings. His will is to dwell in His children.
Furthermore, the cloud that the Israelites saw was also a shadow of the real thing to come. That cloud was a physical manifestation of God’s presence amongst the people. Today, the real thing, that is God’s very presence who is the Holy Spirit, lives inside of you. Shekina, which the Israelites saw outside, now lives inside of you.
As the Church, God’s House on earth is being built and the glory is rising! When the last unbeliever will be saved, that glory will fill the House completely and God will radiate through us brighter than the sun!
Think about this: which one seems to be better— the visible cloud the Israelites saw or the invisible presence of the Holy Spirit in us? Yes, the visible seems better but it is quite the contrary!
The glory of the LORD shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea! The best days of the Church are ahead of us. Do not despair or be discouraged. There is glory waiting for us, starting here and reaching its fullness when Christ returns.
Thank the Lord for calling us into His glory and virtue.
- The heavens declare the glory of God
- He is the brightness of God’s glory
- Moving higher from glory to glory this year
- Glory and Grace: The Glorious Duo!
- You are the glory of the Lord on earth!
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals