He Who Touches you Touches the Apple of His Eye
For thus said the LORD of hosts, after his glory sent me to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye (Zech. 2:8 ESV)

The idiom “ apple of the eye” is used in the scriptures to refer to something that is precious. For example, the Lord says “keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye” (Prov. 7:2 ESV). He wants His commandments to be dear and precious in our eyes.
However, the scripture above gives us a thrilling peek into the heart of God. Speaking prophetically of the nation of Israel, the Lord says whoever touches you touches the apple of His eye. He calls His people the Apple of His eye. That scripture is fully applicable and even more so to the believer in Christ today. The Lord uses more memorable words to describe how precious the believer is to Him in Christ: “For we are the aroma of Christ to God among …(2 Cor. 2:15 ESV). You are like a sweet fragrance of Christ to the Father!
One of the most important foundations that must be unshakable in your heart is your knowledge and faith in the Father’s love for you. Do you know that whenever you are hurt, the Spirit of God feels the pain? He groans when He sees the wicked one torment and inflicts grief upon us. The tragedy that is happening to many of us today is that it is easier for us to believe in the judgment of God than in His goodness and love for us. You should not allow this to happen to you. Remind yourself that you are the Apple of His eye. That is not an assumption He is making of something you are not. That is what you are to Him!
Who has made us acceptable to the Father? Ephesians 1:6?
Let this truth be ingrained in your spirit. Whoever touches you touches the Apple of His eyes. This is not something to make you feel good. It is the truth, for that is how precious we are to Him. Well, God has your picture in His wallet! You can be sure He is showing you off to the angels in heaven! Be bold. Be confident. You are loved. All things are working together for your good.
Praise and thank the Lord for His incredible love for us.
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