Jesus Said, Take Away the Stone

Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days. (John 11:39 KJV)

Jesus said the words above to Martha and Mary after their brother Lazarus had been laid in the tomb behind the stone for four days. Martha was quick to caution Jesus and said, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days” (Jn. 11:39 NKJ). She could not conceive in her widest imagination of what Jesus was about to do.

However, there was one thing that stood between her and the greatest miracle she would ever witness. Jesus told her, “Take away the stone.” It is sad to think that there are stones blocking us from seeing the glory of God manifest in our lives. For Martha, it was a stone of unbelief, and Martha’s stone is still blocking us from seeing breakthroughs in many areas today. Your stone is whatever is keeping you from seeing God’s hand in your life. Sadly, many believers might be screaming at God to come to their rescue while He is also shouting out to them, “Take away the stone! I want to help you, but you have a stone that needs to be taken out!” It is self-deception to try to make God jump over such a stone to meet our needs. You cannot sow a big financial seed to remove a stone of some sin in your life. Neither can you pray more to bypass the stone of anger that might be ruining your relationships or ministry. Take away the stone and see God’s glory in your life today.

Read more: Do not Postpone Your Miracle.

The stone was unbelief for Martha. What is it for you today?

Trust God and take away the stone today. Do you need to open up about something you are keeping inside? Is fear paralyzing you? Do something today to remove any obstructive stones in your life.

Pray that the Lord will help you honestly and truly identity and take action against any obstructive stone in your life.

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