You are a sweet-smelling offering to God

For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; (2 Cor. 2:15 NAS)

The priests in the Old Testament offered different types of sacrifices to God. Aaron, the first High Priest, was commanded to burn incense upon the altar in the Tabernacle ( Ex0. 30:7). The incense  was a sweet-smelling offering, acceptable and well-pleasing to God.

Jesus offered Himself as an offering that the Lord was pleased with. “And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savor” (Eph. 5:2 KJV). Our main scripture above takes it further, unveiling the wonders of grace. It says “we are a fragrance of Christ”, a sweet-smelling offering to God, like the incense that was burnt on the altar in the Holy Place. Is God really this pleased and delighted in you? Yes! Why? Because you are in Christ, who is the sweet-smelling offering to God!


Think on the scripture above for a moment. Let it sink into your spirit, as you ponder and mutter it to yourself.  Declare that “I am a sweet-smelling fragrance of Christ to God”, and that “God is delighted and pleased with what Christ has made me to be”!


Take a moment to thank Jesus and worship Him for enduring the cross to make you a treasure in the Father’s eyes.


Speak the Word when the challenges you face begin to get you down on yourself! Let everyone and everything know that you are the “fragrance of Christ to God”, and the “beloved and delight of the Father”! Do not let anything, or anyone, shake you from the foundation of your identity in Christ. Stand firm, and keep praising and glorifying Him all day long.

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