The Spirit of the Lord Came Mightily Upon Him

And the Spirit of the LORD empowered him, and he tore apart the lion as one would shred a young goat, though he had nothing in his hand; but he did not inform his father or mother what he had accomplished. (Judges 14:6, KJV)

In the story of Samson, an Old Testament judge in Israel, we witness the Holy Spirit coming upon him, enabling him to rip a lion apart with his bare hands. This devotional delves into the importance of the Spirit’s action in Samson’s life and how it connects to the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives as believers in Christ.

Observe the phrase “empowered him” in Judges 14:6. The Hebrew verb, which translates to “rushed,” pictures the Holy Spirit as a Person who swiftly moves from heaven to alight upon Samson. The preposition “upon” is significant and is often used in the Old Testament to describe the relationship between the Spirit and people, granting them psychological or physical abilities for service.

His body transformed when the Spirit surged upon Samson, becoming remarkably strong. Similarly, when the Spirit descended upon prophets, their spiritual eyes and ears opened to receive God’s Word, enabling them to speak it forth with power.

A significant shift occurs in the New Testament, as the Spirit now resides in believers. This is the new birth, which Old Testament figures like Samson did not experience. In addition to dwelling within us, the Spirit comes upon us (the baptism of the Spirit), immersing us with supernatural abilities, including spiritual power. Unlike Samson, who experienced the Spirit’s presence intermittently, the Holy Spirit remains in us permanently. However, we must activate the Spirit upon us by yielding to Him and engaging fervently in absorbing His Word and praying.


Ponder the differences between the Holy Spirit being “in” and “upon” us.

Apply the Word

As a believer, the Holy Spirit is in, upon, and with you. Understanding these three prepositions is essential to grasping the Spirit’s activities in our lives. Embrace the gift of the Holy Spirit and live in the power and authority that surpasses what Samson, Solomon, or the prophets had. Arise, shine!


Express gratitude to the Father for the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit in your life.

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