So the LORD was with Joshua
So the LORD was with Joshua; and his fame was noised throughout all the country (Joshua 6:27 KJV)

When Joshua took over command from Moses, the Lord gave him a promise in Joshua 1:5-9 to be with him wherever he went. And He kept that promise. The verse above says the Lord was with Him, and Joshua’s fame went throughout the country. The kings heard about it and were terrified.
What were Joshua’s greatest weapon and secret for the unparalleled military victories he enjoyed? It was not his physical strength or the number of his soldiers. It was God’s presence with him and Israel. God’s presence with Israel was seen by the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud.
However, the promise of His presence with Joshua in the verse above was not a manifested presence with fire or cloud as it was in the camp. We do not read of the pillar of fire or cloud around Joshua and the army when they went out to battle. It was God’s invisible presence, which was manifested in wars as their enemies were defeated in unexpected ways. It was the same presence with David. There was no halo around David, but no one could kill him in battle because God was with him. This presence is an abiding presence that protects, provides, shields, direct, etc. It is not seen with the physical eyes, but the effects are tangible in the circumstances around us. That same presence is with you today. God is with you in Christ!
How was the abiding presence of the Lord with Joshua manifested?
The manifest presence with cloud and fire with the Israelites did not need any faith. However, the abiding presence, which is only seen through the results, requires faith. You will have to believe and say like David that you will fear no evil because you know God is with you, though you do not see some fire or cloud around you!
Thank the Lord for the beautiful blessing of His presence with you.
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I love your devotionals. I read them everyday and save them. You are a blessing to my life brother Patrick.
Sheila McMichael.
Thank you Sheila for those kind and encouraging words. Pleased to know the Lord is using the devotionals to be a blessing to you. May He complete the great work He is doing in you.