Seeing Jesus in the Word

And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread (Lk. 24:35 KJV)

Seeing Jesus showing binoculars

I grew up extremely discouraged as a young Christian because I was not seeing visions of Angels, Jesus or spiritual things as some others who were around me. I thought something was wrong with my faith. I often suspected the reason my faith was not strong was that I had not seen visions of spiritual things. I thought if God would give me a “little push” with  “spiritual encounters,” my faith will be stronger. I was so wrong! However, I was not alone. Many other precious Children of God are waiting for God to “help them” make spiritual things “more real to them by doing something”.

Well, the Lord spoke to me one day while I was praying in my room in Chicago. He said, “it is better for that I reveal Jesus to you in My Word rather than you seeing Him physically.” My world changed.  I now look back into those years with my faith established without ever seeing a physical vision of angels or Jesus. I still would love to have one, but I am not longer thinking they are mandatory to establish my faith!  These visions are essential but do not wait for God to do something to appeal to our your senses in order to believe God. Faith comes by the Word. Your faith will be built by the Word, not by spiritual experiences. These experiences might be used as faith-aids but are not the building blocks of faith.

The Spirit wants to bring you into seeing visions of Jesus in His Word.


How does God give you an intimate, personal, accurate and experiential knowledge of Himself? ( Eph. 1:17-18).


Are you waiting to experience God in your physical senses before you believe? Do you want to see a vision of angels before you believe they are around you? Do you want to see Jesus in a vision before you take His Word seriously? Stop waiting! His Word is enough! It will make spiritual things real to you!


Ask the Lord to open your eyes of understanding as He did to the Ephesians.

Be sure to prayerfully watch the Bible Study  “Opening your Eyes to See Visions of Jesus”to ignite all dimensions of visions in your life! 

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