Obedience to God is Your Very Life
If they obey and serve him, they live out their days in prosperity and their years in pleasantness.
(Job 36:11 NET).
Obedience to God is your lifeline for enjoying abundant life on the earth. Faith in the finished work of Christ brought salvation to us and made us children of God. However, what happens to us here on the earth after weare saved is dependent on the degree to which they walk by the Word God.
The abundant life that Jesus brought to us begins manifesting right here. We are not going to have abundant life when Jesus returns. We have it now, and that life is manifesting in our mortal bodies( 2 Cor. 4:10-11). If you want to get God’s results in your life, obeying and walking by the Word of God is your key. This walk of the Word is what faith essentially is.
Job said above that prosperity, in all its forms, and joys and pleasantness are for those who obey His Word. This is referring to our life on earth. The blessing of God is locked up in the life of the Word. Until you start obeying the Word of God and allowing it to guide your feelings, thoughts, decisions, words and actions, you are not going to experience the manifestation of the blessing of God in your life. Start practicing the Word, training yourself to act on what God has said always. Become a practitioner of the Word.
What is the meaning of obedience as used in the scripture above? Declare that “I am a Word practitioner, and I live and walk by His Word”.
It is sorrowful to see how many believers glaringly disobey God’s Word in things they consider “little”. Many will not commit adultery but hold a grudge or are bitter against another believer or even their pastor. God’s Word is God’s Word, whether a “big or small” commandment. Be a doer of the Word in all things.
Ask the Father to strengthen you to live by His Word in all things.
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