O magnify the LORD with me

O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.  (Psalm 34:3 KJV)

I will bless the Lord at all times image showing a man with lifted hands

The Psalmist gives us an invitation to join him in magnifying the LORD and exhorting His Name together. He had experienced the goodness and majesty of the Lord. He had come to know that He is worthy of all of our praise and worship. He is  already magnifying the LORD and invites others to join Him in doing so.

The word “magnify” means to make something bigger. However, the sense of magnifying God in scripture is not making God bigger than He is! It is a similar idea to the invitation to “bless the LORD”. Can you bless God? Certainly not! So the meaning of magnifying God is not literally making God bigger. It means seeing and proclaiming Him to reveal His greatness. God is great, but not everyone knows that. When you acknowledge that He is great, and proclaim His greatness by declaring His wonderful works amongst us such that everyone who hears you including yourself can say “wow, God is really great”, then you are magnifying Him in the sight of people!

When we praise the LORD together or tell of the things He has done, we are magnifying His Name in the eyes of men. It is very important to learn to talk about what God has done. It has profound spiritual impact. Above all, the LORD Himself takes delight in it!


What is the meaning of “magnify” in the verse above? Is it used literally or figuratively? (Principles of the Inductive Bible Study Method).


Do you magnify God in your life? This is more than mere singing or dancing. It is how you see God and how you make others around you see  God. Is God big in your eyes? Do you talk about things that make others see how big God is? Sadly, many of us unintentionally magnify Satan by talking a lot about what He has done. Join the Psalmist and magnify the LORD!


Take a moment and just magnify the Lord by talking of His wonderful works in your life. 

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