Naked Without Shame

And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed (Gen. 2:25 KJV).

Naked and without shame showing adam and eve in eden

The life of Adam and Eve in the Garden further teaches us what life looks like in the presence of God. They were both naked in the Garden, but were not ashamed. How could this be?

Shame is a feeling caused by our consciousness that something is wrong or just not right with us. This feeling inevitably leads to an attempt to cover ourselves. We will not want others to see and know about what we are ashamed of. Nobody wants their nakedness to be shown to everyone, so we all cover ourselves. However, Adam and Eve were both naked in the Garden and did not feel any shame.

That was because they were covered by an invisible clothing from God, and were therefore not conscious of the nakedness of their bodies. This clothing was the glory God that was found in the Garden. When sin came in, the glory fell short and shame followed. They then attempted to cover their nakedness using natural clothing made from leaves.

This has been the pattern of humanity since then: to hide our sins, weaknesses, and faults. None of us enjoy exposing our sins or weaknesses for others to know about. Sadly enough, hiding our shame has not proven to be effective but rather strangles us continually until we die silently in our hiding place.

Thank God for clothing us again in Christ! When you received Christ, you were clothed with Him. You lost sight of the nakedness you were in and became conscious of who Christ is. In Christ, our nakedness is covered and we are free from shame. Glory to God!


Why are we challenged with so much fear and shame today? See Rom. 3:23.


Trust in your Savior today and let Him take care of whatever might be causing you to hide.


Ask the Spirit to help you relinquish every shame into Christ, and to help you find freedom from shame in every part of your life.

Recommended Read: Who told you that you were naked? 

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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