The Mystery Hidden for Ages
Even the mystery which hath been concealed from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints (Colossians 1:26, KJV)

Have you discovered the mystery God hid for ages, unveiled to us today?
The term “mystery” denotes a divine secret—God’s plans, methods, or dealings with His people—concealed and unveiled only to some. God has mysteries about His kingdom, Church, and people. Do you recall Jesus discussing the mysteries of God’s kingdom?
In the Old Testament, God concealed His mysteries, especially from the prophets. In contrast, He unraveled them to His apostles, prophets, and saints in the New Testament. This contrast is astonishing. As Peter explained, some prophets pleaded with the Lord to show them certain things, but the Lord refused, saying it wasn’t for them (1 Peter 1:10-11).
A New Testament mystery is a divine secret revealed, not hidden or mysterious but made known to be understood.
What was this mystery in Colossians 1:26? Paul went further in verse 27:
“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:” (Colossians 1:27, KJV)
Here is the mystery: Christ is in you, implying you’ll partake in God’s glory. Christ is God’s glory, and if He’s in you, God’s glory is in you. This revelation has incredible implications. Remember Moses asking to see God’s glory and the Lord saying “no”? What Moses longed to behold is now open for all God’s children—seeing God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ! ( 2 Corinthians 4:6)
As you embrace this mystery, may the Lord lead you into this glory’s fullness!
What differentiates the mystery in Colossians 1:27 from something mysterious?
Apply the Word
God highly favored us in Christ. We’re blessed to see Christ, God’s glory revealed today. Hold your head high; you’re among the few chosen from the human race to know God’s mysteries!
Ask the Spirit for a deeper understanding of God’s mysteries.
- Unto You it is Given to Know the Mystery of the Kingdom of God
- Seeing Jesus in the Scriptures
- You are a God who hides Himself
- What is a Devotional?
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals
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