For The Love Of Money Is A Root Of All Kinds Of Evils
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. (1 Timothy 6:10 ESV)

If you have followed our ministry for any time, you know where I stand on this vexing problem of money and prosperity. I believe it is God’s will for us to prosper financially, but also that the Church today has a big problem with money.
As God’s people, we have made many mistakes in the area of finances. First, our fathers in the faith equated poverty with humility and godliness: an honest and innocent mistake. But our generation has over-corrected this error, swinging the pendulum to the other extreme—in many circles today, Christianity shockingly revolves around money as if God sent Jesus on earth primarily to make people financially wealthy. However, as Jesus cleansed the Temple from money madness in John 1:15-16, He will repeat it again in our days.
Though God wants us to have more than enough (2 Corinthians 9:8), He states emphatically that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. He says the love of money, not money. It begins with greed, often spiritualized or “christianized”. Second, that greed is a root, a source of all kinds of evils. It is mesmerizing to see we could be anointed yet misbehave in money matters; scores of ministers and ministries have been ruined and continue to be ruined because of money. Yet God, in his infinite grace and wisdom, continues to build His Church even through broken vessels.
Embrace the entire counsel of God about money. He wants us to prosper, but He has warned us sternly about the potential dangers when money controls us.
What does “pierced themselves with many pangs” in 1 Timothy 6:10 mean?
Apply the Word
Is the love of money bearing any evil fruit in your spiritual life, ministry, family, etc.? If so, regain control of money and not let money rule over you.
Ask the Lord to bring sanity in the area of finances in His Church.
- A subtle end-time sign: greedy false teachers
- 4 Pillars that Carry the Prosperity Gospel Empire
- The Temptation to Forget God in Prosperity
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- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals