Lion of the tribe of Judah

And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof (Rev. 5:5 KJV).

lion of the tribe of judah

Jesus is the Lamb of God, and the Lion of the tribe of Judah! These titles may appear to be irreconcilable, but both were required for the Messiah to give us our salvation.

Do you remember that Jesus had to willingly give up His power, and become weak, in order to be arrested? The scriptures say that the King of Kings had to be as dumb as a sheep led to slaughter. He could not even respond to His accusers, because, if He did speak, we would not be saved today (Isa. 53:7)! He had to be a Lamb in order to die. He died in weakness, as a defenseless, powerless Lamb before His predators.

However, after His death, He crushed Satan, and the enemies of humanity, as a Lion. When He died as a Lamb, hell was certainly pleased to approach Him to take their prey. To their greatest dismay, when they got near, they met a Lion! The key characteristic of a lion is its ability to overcome and subdue all its enemies without a fight. Jesus is the Lion that came out of Judah, and miserably crushed Satan’s head. He has won the victory for us!


Think about the contrast between the lion and the lamb. Declare that “I am born into the family of the Lion from Judah, so I prevail over life’s circumstances with great power and strength!”


God wants you to be like Jesus: harmless as sheep, and yet prevail as lions. You are not a sissy because you are a Christian!


Thank the Lion from Judah for prevailing over your enemies, and granting you victory over all circumstances.

Recommended Read: Understanding the Kingdom of God

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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