In the beginning was the Word..

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (Jn. 1:1 KJV).

what does oppressed mean
The Word of God was there at the beginning when the heavens and the earth were made. In fact, all that we see around us, and all that is not seen around us, came into existence because God spoke it into being. His Word is creative, and brings things into existence.
At the beginning of the beautiful heaven and earth we see today was the Word of God. If you want to see the beauty of God show in every aspect of your life, it must begin with the Word. When God’s Word comes in, beauty will follow. God’s commandment for you this year is “My son, give attention to my words” (Prov. 4:20 NAS). If you begin with God’s Word, victory is guaranteed.


What was God doing when He created the earth? See Genesis 1:3. Ponder and then mutter the words of the scripture above. Then declare that “I am starting the year with the Word of God.”


You plant your life on God’s Word by constantly feeding on it and doing what it says. Many will not take time to study and meditate on the Word; others will hear it and enjoy it, but not do what it says. Do not let either of these attitudes be yours this year! What changes can you make today in your life and schedule to start paying attention to the Word?


Thank the Father for the gift of His Word to us. Ask the Spirit to open your eyes to your need for God’s Word.

Recommended Read: Why did Jesus come to earth

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