How God lets you know He is about to take you to the next level

Moreover the Word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree (Jeremiah 1:11 KJV)

let us run the race that is set before us showing a man running a race

Let me share an insightful, practical truth that will prepare your mind to more fully cooperate with the Holy Spirit as you become sensitive to what He is doing and about to do in your life. There are things in our lives that the Spirit does when He is about to ignite something new or take us to a new level in our walk or ministry. There are certainly many of these indicators, but I will share just important ones here.

The first is noted above. When God called Jeremiah, He opened his eyes to see. As I have mentioned repeatedly, seeing in the realm of the spirit is a must to walk with God. He used prophetic visions for Jeremiah. However, He also opens our eyes today by giving to us the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that the eyes of our understanding will be enlightened(Ephesians 1:17-18). When God is ready for a major spiritual breakthrough in your life, He gives you a revelation in that area. For some of you, God will open your understanding about health in the Word and that will be the end of disease in your life.

The second major indicator God is about to move you to the next level is the spirit of prayer. When you begin to sense a desire to pray and press on to God, the Lord is moving you to labor and bring forth the miraculous. Maybe you have been feeling a strong urge to increase your commitment to prayer, and probably did  not know why. Well, today, you know. The Spirit is pressing upon you to unleash that new level! Do not hold back but launch forth!


Why do you think the Lord does these two things before the next major breakthrough in your life?


Cooperating with the Spirit means recognizing what He wants to do and running with it. Well, I have just put a key into your hand. The Lord stir up your spirit to run with it!


Ask the Spirit to help you fully cooperate with Him in every way. 

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  1. On point! I find your analysis to be candid thus far_ I. Pray God pours back in you as you edify others_ may he cover you from all angles _ only stay aligned and be submissive to the lead of God’s Holy Spirit Patrick!

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