Heaven Invading the Earth 

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband (Revelation 21:2, KJV)

When I was a kid in Sunday School, like many of us, I was taught that when Jesus comes, He will take us from the earth into heaven and we will forever live in heaven. I grow up with that mentality into my adulthood as a believer. The Lord then began shedding light on the Word regarding His purpose for us humans and the earth, and there was a paradigm shift in my understanding of the heaven we are going to. I pray you also understand this!

God created man to be a being living in a body, and man will forever live in a body. God never intended man to be a spirit that lives in a spirit world. When we die, there is a temporary phase where the human spirit is alive with God waiting for the resurrection when God will again give us a body to live in. And we will forever live on the earth, with our human bodies. He will bring heaven down to the earth to merge as one. We will be on the earth, but in heaven at the same time though we continue to live on the earth!!!

John saw the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven. God will take us to heaven by bringing heaven down to us here on the earth. Heaven is invading and taking over the earth from the powers of darkness that have taken God’s beautiful creation hostage for so long. The invasion has already started! The Presence and power of God are already increasing so quickly on the earth. Our Father has come. Our God is here!


Is it God’s plan to destroy the human body, or we will still have bodies( a different kind) when Jesus returns? (1 Cor. 15:44-46).


What lies ahead of us so glorious. Imagine a life in the body that does not get tired or weak. A body that behaves like the spirit, and can go through walls like Jesus did after the resurrection! We will live “heaven” in the body and on the earth! We will shine as the sun, radiating the beauties and excellencies of God on the earth. What a life of splendor. Be encouraged. Do not quit. Today’s troubles are temporary. Keep pressing forward!


Thank the Father for the wonders of our inheritance in Christ. 

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