Healing is the Children’s Bread

But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children’s bread and to cast it unto the dogs. (Mk. 7:27 KJV)

Healing is the children's bread showing a child's dinner table wit bread on it

The scripture above implicitly states that healing is the children’s bread. Jesus was speaking to a gentile woman who came to Jesus because her child was sick and she needed to receive healing for her sick baby. Jesus told her that the bread he had(healing) was for the children ( the Jews). The Gospel was not yet opened to the Gentile world. Thank God that in Christ Jesus today, we all have access to the blessings, promises, and covenants that God promised to the nation of Israel.

The important implication for us today is that Jesus indirectly called healing the children’s bread. Bread in a home is a child’s privilege and the father’s responsibility. A child must not beg for bread in the home. The father’s delight is to provide bread for the child. Jesus said, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” (Matt. 7:11 KJV).

The Lord has provided bread for His children. Healing( deliverance to be specific in this verse) is the children’s bread in God’s family. It was the Father’s responsibility to provide the bread, and it is our prevailed and God’s children to eat that bread until we are filled. The Lord wants you healed–any day, from any disease, and under every circumstance. Be confident in the provision of your Lord.

Read more: Emotional healing for broken hearts.

Declare that “Healing is my portion as a Child of God. By the stripes of Christ, my body and mind are completely healed at all times”.

What does a child need to do to receive bread from the father? Stretch your faith and receive healing for every infirmity in your body.

Thank the Lord for His incredible grace that has brought healing to your life by allowing His body to be broken for you.

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  1. This is really powerful. Thanks for shedding light on this. I receive healing for my father in Jesus name. Amen!

  2. Thank you very much..this is really inspirational, it has made my day and I believe that I and my family are healed completely.

    1. Thank you dear Pastor Martey. We are thankful indeed always for the working of His Spirit. Remain the blessing and mote grace to you also there in the work you do.

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