He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over Thee

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, To keep thee in all thy ways.” (Psalm 91:11, KJV)

One of the most underappreciated and underused resources we have as God’s children is the army of angels God has assigned to us. In Psalm 91:11, we see that God did not merely ask angels to protect His people; He has given them a charge. The term “charge” is powerful and carries deep significance for us.

Hebrews 1:14 describes our relationship with angels:

Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14, KJV)

Angels are sent to minister to those who are heirs of salvation. The two important words here are “sent forth” and “minister.” God has sent His angels with a specific mandate to serve the heirs of salvation—believers in Christ today. So, there is both a dispatch from God and a duty toward us.

This New Testament perspective helps us better understand Psalm 91:11, emphasizing the concepts of dispatch and mandate. The term “charge” in this context is compelling—God gave them a command. It is a divine order for them to protect God’s people in this context. The idea of a charge means it is a mission order, and they must report back to God if they fail. This implies that if you stumble, and God has commanded the angels to prevent it, they are accountable to God.

The Psalmist further elaborates on the angelic mandate in Psalm 103:20:

“Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.” (Psalm 103:20, KJV)

Angels respond to God’s commands, and they have received a directive to keep you in all your ways—covering every aspect of your life: protection, family, ministry, spiritual life, and more.

It might seem that this is not our daily experience, and here’s why: Angels respond to God’s Word and His commands. If you want to activate angelic intervention, live by the Word, and especially speak God’s words—give instructions and commands under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You don’t need to see angels to know they are there. Know God’s Word, believe it, and proclaim it. Angels will not act until the Word is active, and they have received a command from the Word—in your mouth.

This is a simple crash course on the angelic. Put this truth to work.


What is the role of angels according to Hebrews 1:14? What prompts angels to act according to Psalm 103:20?

Apply the Word

If you understand this devotional, you will see the importance of declaring God’s words over your life and circumstances. Every time you speak and command in the Spirit (by faith), angels move. Believe this, act on it, and put it to work.


Thank the Father for giving us His angels to protect and keep us in all our ways. Ask Him to help you cooperate with the angels He has given to you.

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